
A Property Inspection Checklist For Landlords

House inspection is often neglected by tons of people. When there are tenants, there are some tribulations too. To ensure the safe stay of tenants, landlords tend to carry out property inspections periodically so their property is being looked after by the tenants. You don’t want giant problems down the roads, waiting for you! Do you? The purpose is simple. The landlord examines the current condition of their properties and deals with the maintenance issues before they occur, or they are far too tricky to be solved. 

Property Inspection Checklist – Heed Landlords!

Ideally, landlords should conduct property inspections at the beginning of the tenancy, during it, and when it ends. It helps in preventing the coasters and problems timely. At the end of the day, if you care about the property, you would want tenants to care too. The house inspection must not happen without prior notice to the tenant stating the house inspection. A notice or even an email would alert the tenant and let them make the necessary changes around. The landlord is legally obliged to do so as well. In addition to this, deciding upon a mutual time would be advisable too, this way tenant would make to be available for the house inspection. 

Landlord Inspection Checklist

The property inspection should be done in a standardized and sophisticated manner. The landlord should look for leaks if there are any wear and tear issuesIf any toilet cisterns have been dripping, have them fixed right away. The landlord should check forblocked drains so that there is no water damage. Similarly, if there are any dark patches or unpleasant smells then it is an indication of damn and mould. Severe cases of mould and dampness must be looked after immediately or it would rot the floorboards. The landlord must check for discrepancies. 

Give a thorough look at carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms. It must be ensured that they are working properly. In case the landlord inspection checklist neglect the significant checks, the consequences could be severe. Indeed, searching for potential hazards beforehand will save time and money too. a full house inspection can empower you; you’d know what is going on in your property. It is also advisable to look for property damage. 

Doctor, chuckles: “Compared to everything else she’s got going on, small potatoes, guys. Like I said, you guys are lucky. I just had to deliver an ‘asshole’ diagnosis the other day and it was devastating.”

Compliance and safety checks should be highly prioritized throughout the house inspection process. Then there are a few more Maintenance issues to consider

  • Electrical check 
  • Health and safety checks 
  • Fire escapes check 
  • Outdoor Spaces should be checked too. 
  • Look if tenants are subletting illegally. Never ignore the use of telltale signs! Subletting without your knowledge is indeed a crime. 
  • Hot water or heating issues would include checking the boiler and testing the water pressure. 
  • If there are any pets, inspect holders or mess in gardens or even damage to furniture. 
  • Lastly, one must make sure that tenants aren’t breaching the terms of the tenancy agreement. A pro tip would be having a brief convo with neighbors of the tenant. It would help in finding out any inappropriate behavior adopted by the tenant.
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